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How Long can Baby be in a Baby Carrier


There are parents who find it pleasant to carry the baby with them, especially in the first months. However, there are also parents who keep their child in this way for as long as possible. In addition, there are also parents who, for example, want to carry their child for a special purpose, such as a walking holiday. In this respect, suitable carriers are available for all requirements. We help you on this page.

Baby carrier up to what age

An ergonomic baby carrier can grow with your child if the width of the seat can be adjusted. Usually baby carriers offer excellent comfort until your child has clothing size 80/86. The carriers state the weight up to which your child can be carried, for example up to 15 to 20 kilograms. This differs per model, however. With the baby carriers you can switch to a toddler carrier after a while. You can carry your toddler in a toddler carrier from about size 86.

How long baby in Ergobaby baby carrier 

Ergobaby baby carriers are suitable from size 50/56, so often from birth to an age of approximately 2-3 years (clothing size 86/92). If you mainly want to use a baby carrier during the first year of your child, you can look at an Ergobaby Embrace. The Embrace is suitable up to approx. size 68. The Ergobaby Adapt and the Ergobaby Omni baby carriers are suitable up to size 86/92.

A number of older Ergobaby models require a separate baby insert to be able to wear from birth, pay attention to this.

How long in baby carrier

An ergonomic baby carrier can grow with your child if the width of the seat can be adjusted. Usually baby carriers offer excellent comfort until your child has clothing size 80/86. The carriers state the weight up to which your child can be carried, for example up to 15 to 20 kilograms. This differs per model, however. With the baby carriers you can switch to a toddler carrier after a while. You can carry your toddler in a toddler carrier from about clothing size 86. Look carefully at the information for each type of carrier to determine how long a child can stay in a carrier.

The difference between a baby carrier and a toddler carrier is that optimal support is given to the toddler's back and legs. The toddler carrier is wider and longer, so that your child experiences all the comfort in the carrier. A toddler carrier is also ideal for long walks. Some models that are perfect for this are the Rose and Rebellion Carrier and the Tula Toddler Carrier.

Here you will find all baby carriers suitable for children from clothing size 82: Toddler carriers.

How long baby in baby carrier

How long a baby can be carried in a baby carrier depends very much on the brand and type of baby carrier. On our website, we indicate for every baby carrier for which children's pants sizes the baby carrier is suitable and the minimum and maximum weight. This gives you a good indication of how long baby can be carried in a baby carrier. Always pay attention to the ergonomic sitting position of your child in the baby carrier. Also read our information page about ergonomic carrying in a baby carrier.

Here you will find all baby carriers that are suitable for the smallest babies from size 50: baby carrier newborn.

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